Dallas domestic abuse awareness initiative to involve HS football

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2013 | Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a very serious issue. No individual should ever have to face domestic abuse. There are many different efforts governments take to try to reduce the occurrence of domestic violence. One form such efforts sometimes take are domestic violence awareness initiatives.

Recently, Dallas’ mayor announced a new domestic violence awareness initiative. The initiative will take place on Nov. 7 and Nov. 8. Those days, during the halftime of high school football games in Dallas, a request will be made to men of all ages who are at these games to take a pledge promising to never commit violence against a woman. There will be an online system on which the pledges can be made and the pledges will be tracked by school. A reward of some type will be given to the school that gets the highest number of pledges.

Given how popular high school football is, one could see how connecting an awareness initiative to high school football could potentially be an effective way to get the initiative to reach a high number of people. One wonders how many people will participate in the above-mentioned initiative. One also wonders how effective the initiative will ultimately prove to be at increasing awareness of the issue of domestic violence.

Preventing domestic violence is an important goal and one hopes that governments will continue to take efforts towards this goal.

When domestic violence does occur, it can have devastating effects. Individuals can suffer considerable harm when they are subjected to domestic abuse.

If a person has been the victim of domestic violence, they should consider speaking to a domestic violence attorney. A domestic violence attorney can help guide a domestic abuse victim through the steps of pursuing protection.

Source: The Dallas Morning News, “UPDATE: Dallas mayor takes fight against domestic violence to DISD football fields,” Scott Goldstein, Oct. 3, 2013
