Same-sex couple in Plano challenges Texas’ same-sex marriage ban

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2013 | Same-Sex Partners

Texas law limits marriage to heterosexual couples. This can lead to same-sex couples who are in long-term relationships facing challenges when it comes to family law issues, as they do not have access to the same legal protections and mechanisms that married heterosexual couples do. This is one of the reasons why it can be particularly important for same-sex couples to consult with a family law attorney with experience in same-sex couple legal matters when a family law issue arises. Such attorneys can help a same-sex couple address family law issues through the means currently available.

According to an article on Texas Public Radio’s website, a lawsuit was recently brought which seeks to have Texas’ ban on same-sex marriage eliminated. The lawsuit was brought by two men in Plano who are in a same-sex relationship. The couple filed the lawsuit after having been denied a marriage license under the ban.

On what grounds is the couple challenging the ban? They are arguing that Texas’ ban on same-sex marriage violates the U.S. Constitution by infringing upon their rights under provisions such as the due process clause and the equal protection clause.

One wonders what will happen with this lawsuit and if it will ultimately lead to a decision being made on the constitutionality of the Texas ban on same-sex marriage. Such a decision, whether it be for or against the ban, could have major impacts on same-sex couples here in Texas and in other states in which same-sex marriages are prohibited.

Source: Texas Public Radio, “Gay Couple Filing Suit Against Texas’ Ban On Same-Sex Marriage Say It’s Not A Longshot,” Ryan Poppe, Oct. 30, 2013
