Making the most of Valentine’s Day when divorced

On Behalf of | Feb 12, 2016 | Divorce

When ending a marriage, there are all kinds of emotional challenges a person can face. Certain times of the year can be particularly emotionally tough for divorcing individuals. One of these is Valentine’s Day, given the various things associated with this holiday.  

Now, while Valentine’s Day has the potential to be difficult for an individual who has split from their spouse, such an individual doesn’t simply have to resign themselves to having a bad Valentine’s Day. As a recent Huffington Post article underscored, there are things divorcing individuals can do to try to make Valentine’s Day a positive experience despite their divorce. Some tactics divorcing individuals may find helpful include: 

  • Doing physical activity.
  • Celebrating the good relationships in one’s life, like friendships and good relationships with family. 
  • Showing kindness to others, like those in need.

When a person is dealing with emotional turmoil during a divorce, whether it be around Valentine’s Day or some other time, it can be important for them to be aware of how the emotions they are experiencing could be impacting their thought process when it comes to important decisions.

A person is faced with many decisions in a divorce and what choices they make in these decisions could have lasting impacts on important things like their financial situation and the relationships within their family. Thus, when a person is making such decisions, it is important for them to not allow their emotions to lead them to rash choices that could be bad for them and their family. 
