Protecting Your Rights During Divorce
Divorce is often emotionally taxing and financially stressful. After you have intertwined your life with another’s, the separation process is going to be difficult.
At the Shapiro Law Firm, our Plano divorce attorneys focus on helping people through the divorce process effectively and efficiently. It may not be easy, but we will work diligently to help you resolve your issues as smoothly as possible.
Call us at 972-423-0033 to confidentially discuss your situation with our lawyers.
Handling Immediate and Long-Term Concerns About Your Divorce
A divorce involves more than just filing proper court papers. If children are involved, you will need to create a long-term plan for dealing with your ex and protecting the interests of your children. Matters of child support and child custody will need to be addressed. In addition, you may need to resolve alimony and property division questions. We can help you with a wide range of divorce issues, including:
Divorce preparation — There are steps you can take to help the process move along more smoothly and that can save you time, money and emotional stress. Our attorneys can help you with all of the necessary preparations.
Avoiding the pitfalls of a do-it-yourself divorce — The desire to save money and to get things over with quickly can make the prospect of a do-it-yourself divorce tempting. However, every case is unique and no canned document can account for the nuances of your particular situation. Simple mistakes such as filing the wrong document or even checking the wrong box can result in significant legal headaches and expenses. With more than 40 years of experience, our lawyers can make sure everything gets done properly.
Separating from your spouse — While there is no such thing as “legal separation” in Texas, couples can enter into a separation agreement. This can give you time to prepare for your divorce and your life afterward.
Protecting your assets — When it comes time to divide your assets, property must be characterized as either separate property, which is not subject to division, or community property, which will be divided. We can help with characterization issues and protect the assets that you have worked hard to obtain. We can also help when there are issues of hidden assets and fraud.
Dividing property — Property division is often one of the most contentious aspects of any divorce, especially in cases of complex division of property. It is important to keep in mind that any division should be fair and equitable, not necessarily on a 50/50 basis.
Business owners and divorce — If you own a business, your ex will likely have a claim to some of the assets and income generated by your company. We can help protect your business during the divorce process, handle issues of ownership and address any resulting tax implications.
Adultery — Infidelity is a common reason for divorce. This can make an emotional situation much more contentious. Protecting your rights and interests is of the utmost importance.
Social media and digital data in divorce cases — These days, we share much of our lives online. Social media platforms and other pieces of digital data can be used as evidence of infidelity, unfit parenting, domestic abuse and financial irresponsibility. We understand how to deal with digital data that can either be used in your favor or used by your spouse to dirty your reputation.
To help protect you, your children and your assets, we work hard to help settle all of these issues outside of court. We regularly work with mediators to help our clients reach amicable resolutions. If litigation is the only way to address your issues, however, you can rest assured that we will serve as your staunch advocates.
Personalized Representation Every Step of the Way
We understand that each divorce is different. That is why we take the time to truly understand the things that are important to you, so that we can get the results you want.
The final divorce decree might not actually end all of your relations with your ex-spouse. We can continue to work with you to address any post-divorce modification issues, including child custody and visitation, child support and spousal maintenance.
Contact Us for Help With Your Divorce Case
For skilled legal representation, please contact us online today. We are dedicated to providing quality legal services to clients throughout Dallas, Denton and the Collin County area.
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