News has recently come out that television director Alex Graves is seeking a divorce. “Game of Thrones,” “Ally McBeal,” and “West Wing” are among the television shows that Graves has been a director for.
Graves and his wife have been married for nearly two decades. Recently, Graves submitted a divorce filing. Irreconcilable differences were cited in the filing.
In his divorce petition, Graves has requested joint legal custody and joint physical custody of the couple’s two children: an 11-year-old daughter and a 15-year-old son. He has also made a request regarding attorney’s fees; he has asked that these fees be split between him and his wife.
There are a great many important issues that can come up during the course of a divorce. As this case underscores, there are many different requests that individuals who are filing a divorce petition can make regarding such issues in their divorce filing and documents related to it. What sorts of requests an individual makes in a divorce petition and other documents filed early in the divorce process can set the tone for proceedings and negotiations regarding the various issues the divorce brings up; thus, what is said and asked for in a divorce filing can matter quite a bit. Consequently, a person may wish to have the help of a knowledgeable divorce attorney when putting together a divorce petition. Such attorney’s can work to ensure that the content of a person’s divorce filing is consistent with the person’s goals and aims regarding the divorce.
Source: TMZ, “‘Game of Thrones’ Director Files for Divorce,” April 26, 2014