How You Can Benefit From An Amicable Divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2015 | Divorce

In the celebrity world of divorce, amicable breakups have become the latest trend. We watched Gwenyth Paltrow and Chris Martin consciously uncouple in 2012, and just recently, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck announced that mediation will be their method of divorce — not the contentious litigation we typically associate with celebrities.

While not all celebrity trends should be followed, if you are considering divorce, you may want to take notes from these high-profile couples. Unlike litigation, amicable divorce — whether handled through mediation or alternative dispute resolution — is often better for you and your children. So, what are the benefits?

There are countless benefits to divorcing amicably. Most practically, it is often less expensive than litigation. It also allows you and your spouse to set your own terms. In litigation, however, a judge decides for you — meaning it is possible that neither of you will be satisfied with the outcome.

Amicable divorce is also arguably better for your children. Again, you and your spouse can determine a custody agreement on your own that fits your schedules and your children’s needs. Divorcing amicably can also be a more positive emotional experience for your kids — who likely will not benefit from seeing their parents fight in court.

Finally, amicable divorce gets to the heart of the fact that divorce is not unnatural or wrong. Although our society places significant emphasis on “till death do us part,” the reality is that many good relationships end eventually. Amicable divorce allows you to separate your lives with dignity and respect.

Source: Huffington Post, “Amicable Divorce Is The New Black,” Michelle Crosby, July 6, 2015
