Domestic violence and abuse can be a difficult subject to discuss, and even more so when children are involved. However, as any Dallas family violence attorney is aware, children are often the victims of abuse. Several Dallas residents are aiming to bring this to the attention of the entire community through the Dallas Million March Against Child Abuse.
According to a 2012 report, the state of Texas had the highest number of reported child abuse instances and deaths, as well the most child deaths due to abuse and neglect. The march, to be held on April 22, 2013 at the George L. Allen Court Building in Dallas, will be one of approximately 250 events across the country.
While definitions of child abuse vary by state, it generally encompasses any imminent risk to a child’s health and welfare caused by physical, emotional or sexual abuse. All states have Child Protective Services agencies that investigate reports of abuse.
Awareness of what constitutes child abuse is one of the first steps in preventing future instances. Unexplained injuries or erratic, unusual or sudden changes in behavior by a child may be warning signs of some type of abuse. Many states have mandatory reporting laws that apply to professionals, such as teachers, doctors and nurses, social workers and day care workers.
Each March Against Child Abuse event is organized by local volunteers, and the Dallas event will feature speakers including child advocates and victims. The Dallas event was organized by several grandparents who had lost grandchildren due to abuse.
Source:, “Local residents help organize Dallas child abuse awareness rally,” Anthony Tosie, April 18, 2013