One thing legal battles will sometimes arise in connection to is the amount of child support payments. Such a child support dispute has recently come up involving the rapper Ludacris.
The battle regards Ludacris’ newborn daughter. In relation to child support regarding the child, Ludacris has asked that he not be required to pay more than around $1,700 a month.
The mother of the child is opposing this request by Ludacris. She argues that Ludacris’ child support payments should be higher than the above-mentioned level. She is basing this argument in part on claims that Ludacris spends well more than $1,700 a month on things like pet care and lawn care.
One wonders whether the court in this child support case will ultimately side with Ludacris or the mother of the child.
When the amount of child support payments ends up being set by a court, there are many different things that courts will look at when deciding what the amount of the payments will be. Some examples of things that courts here in Texas look to when setting the amount of a child support order are: statutory guidelines, the respective income and resources of the child’s two parents, the child custody distribution between the two parents and the care needs of the child. Thus, arguments in disputes over the amount of child support payments can touch on many different issues. Experienced family law attorneys know the different factors that can play a role in child support cases and can be strong advocates for parents involved in disputes regarding child support.
Source: 23ABC News, “Ludacris in child support battle over baby daughter,” Jan. 5, 2014