Sometimes, colors are associated with certain issues. One of the issues that the color purple is associated with is domestic violence awareness. City officials in Dallas are currently working to make downtown Dallas a very purple area in late March.
At the end of March, a Crimes Against Women Conference will be starting in downtown Dallas. According to an article on the Dallas Morning News’ website, during a recent meeting of the city’s domestic violence task force, a city official announced plans to “Paint The Town Purple” in connection to the conference’s presence. Specifically, the official said that the city will be encouraging large downtown businesses to help give Dallas’ skyline a distinctly purple hue and encouraging other businesses in the downtown area to decorate their buildings with the color purple.
The aim of these efforts is to raise domestic violence awareness in the city. It will be interesting to see how many Dallas businesses ultimately participate in this awareness initiative.
Increasing awareness of domestic violence issues can be a very important step in helping to try to reduce the occurrence of domestic abuse.
The field of public awareness is one of the many battlefields in which the fight against domestic violence occurs. Another such battlefield is the court rooms. Domestic violence attorneys can, in court hearings such as restraining order hearings, fight to help get domestic violence victims legal protection that can help reduce the risk that they will be exposed to further violence and help them be able to move on with their lives.
Source: The Dallas Morning News, “Dallas to paint the town purple for domestic violence in March,” Sarah Mervosh, Feb. 5, 2014