Child support proceedings in a divorce can sometimes stir up significant emotions within the divorcing parties. Thus, it can be easy in such proceedings for the divorcing parties to get side-tracked and perhaps lose sight of the things that matter most in such proceedings. Thus, in child support proceedings, it can be very important for divorcing parties to keep in mind what the purpose of child support is.
At this point, it is worth going over a couple of the things that child support is not intended to be.
For one, it is not meant to be a way for divorcing individuals to take out their frustrations on each other. In divorce proceedings, there can sometimes be a temptation for the parties to take a battleground mentality regarding the process and to view the various different issues in the divorce, including child support, as occasions to legally attack one another. This sort of mentality can be a very destructive one to take into child support proceedings.
Also, child support is not meant to be some sort of scorecard indicating where fault or blame for the breakdown of a marriage lies.
Rather, what the intended purpose of child support is to establish the appropriate distribution of the financial responsibilities of caring for a child between the child’s parents to help ensure that the child gets the financial support that they need. Thus, helping ensure that a child’s financial needs are met is something that should be one of the main goals of child support proceedings.
Our firm understands this and we strive to incorporate this understanding into our child support representation. We are dedicated to helping our clients who are in child support matters find resolutions that both keep their interests protected and are good for their kids.